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The ball of fire blazing in the distance, which was to become our earth, was visible at all times for hundreds of thousands of years until gradually it began to cool. Many more eons went by before the flights to planet earth began from the Andromeda galaxy.
The Almighty Organ “ALL”: and The Vivacious VibraKids
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The pipe organ ALL is hit with lightning. The thoughts of music flying out of him enter musical instruments coming off the assembly line of a factory. Once inside, they can’t get back out. They have many experiences and want to be together again like they were in ALL. Each episode tells of the experiences of a different VibraKid and the instrument he or she has entered. They draw on the wisdom of the original organ “ALL” and pass this wisdom on to others.
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On my 50th birthday I took the day off to try and compose music. Before long I had 50 songs, words and music both. It just flowed in in complete form. One day the material changed and these beautiful spiritual/scientific teachings, The Chrysalis Teachings, started flowing in the same way the music had done. Being a musician, it was the vibrations of music that I’ve been exposed to since the age of four that enables me to have insight into different time periods of the past and the future.
Cataclysms: A New Look at Earth Changes
By Hickox, Norma Green
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Cataclysms?? A New Look at Earth Changes
There is much confusion today concerning predictions of imminent cataclysms. Many people have been picking up information about cataclysms from within themselves during meditation. For some this information has been as memories about the long journey planet Earth has been on. For others it has been as visions into the future. It is very difficult to tell which is which, when standing in the middle of them. This is a part of the spiritual path that many people will go through, especially if they had previous lives in Atlantis.
The Truths of Man’s Divine Heritage
By Norma Joyce Green, /Norma Hickox
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Truths of Man’s Divine Heritage
This first volume of Teachings from the Chrysalis Center gives the reader new insight into established principles of religion, science and behavior. A plan is outlined for education in the New Age. These teachings expand from a core of love and creative expression into peace, health, success in achieving unlimited potential and a united mankind. This book, termed “the hope of the world” by Norma’s source, will encourage your mind to expand far beyond our universe and allow you to recognize the signs indicating the “Truths of Man’s Divine Heritage.”