The Chrysalis Teachings
Giving Us
The Universe Within
The Universe Within pulls all Norma’s material together into a diversified single subject.
It incorporates her sessions of seeing into the big bang
It brings in religious misinterpretations
It interests psychologists and brain scientists
It ultimately interests those in spirituality
It incorporates her music, her poetry, and her plays
All of it is brought together under The Universe Within.
The Chrysalis Teachings enter into three different areas below
They are focused on

The Chrysalis Teachings are organized into the following sections
Windows on the Past

- The birth and development (creation & evolution) of the universe, galaxy, solar system, planet and humans
- The “big bang,” followed by a look at the Creator’s mind
- Chakras and their influence on your health
- The structure of your brain – dividing it into four parts instead of just two
- The soul and its path through eternity including reincarnation
- How we spend our time between lives on earth
- Misinterpretations in the Bible
Journeys in the Present

- Universal laws
- Seven gifts, virtues and concepts
- Attitudes, goals and karma
- Knowing yourself better
- New thoughts on your health and healing
- The progressive stages of the spiritual path
- Channeling and suggestions as to how to do it
Pathways to the Future

- Restructuring needed for all society
- Starting a Chrysalis Center or New Mystery School
- The Science of Music and new inventions to come from this science
- Chrysalis Experimental Schools
- SunScience and expanding the atom, not splitting the atom
- Divine Science
- A look at our future