Journeys in the Present

The Journeys in the Present series, part of The New Millennium Booklets

The Book of Health – Part I The Physical Body

31 – The Physical Body – The established method of evolvement has hit a stumbling block in the human kingdom. What is needed to move energy forward is no longer present in processed food.


The Book of Health – Part II The Emotional & Mental Bodies

32 – The Emotional & Mental Bodies – The one truly overpowering bad attitude of humanity is ego. This stems from not accepting the fact that all are a part of the Creator, which would eliminate the need to prove oneself better than others.


The Book of Health – Part III Specific Problem Areas

33 – Specific Problem Areas – Specific problem areas of health are discussed. This includes such topics as aids, Alzheimer’s, alcohol and drug abuse, backaches, cancer, arthritis, migraine headache and much more.


The Spirit of Truth – Progress Through Seven Spirits

35- Progress through Seven Spirits – The seven spirits are truth, joy, willingness, glory, revelation, perseverance and fulfillment. The Spirit of Truth is one that is the same throughout the whole total universe pervading everything.


The Spiritual Path – Part I Stages of the Path

36 – Stages of the Path – The spiritual path can be explained in the simplest terms possible for all to understand by comparing it to the stages of progress of the first seven grades of elementary school.
